Preschool Pals Update: Summer is here!

Preschool Pals Update: Summer is here!

Preschool Pals Update: Summer is here! 150 150 Way to Grow

An Update from Ms. Gwen

At the beginning of April our classes started a unit on color theory. The students mixed lots of colors, made sidewalk chalk, created rainbow crayons and worked together to make a classroom mural! Our class read the book “White Rabbit’s Color Book” by Alan Baker to learn more about mixing primary colors. Through hands-on activities like mixing colored water and making side walk chalk, the kids learned what colors make purple, green, orange and brown. The kids favorite activity was making crayons and having a glow in the dark dance party!

This spring we introduced two new music teachers from MacPhail Center for Music to come once a week to sing with our kids, teach them new instruments and engage in fun musical activities. 

Our class took time at the beginning of May to celebrate May Day. We had a picnic in the park, played games, made flower bracelets and decorated vases for our flower bouquets.

Our preschool held a parentchild class on gardening. Families worked together to plant their own seeds and the kids helped plant in the outdoor garden. 

Our unit for the month of May is on plants and gardening.The kids helped teachers put together the new garden bed. They worked to spread out the dirt and water our herb garden. The kids were fascinated with the different shapes, sizes and textures of each seed. They are most looking forward to the fruits and vegetables that our garden with produce this summer!

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