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Twelve Days of Growing: Day 9

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 9 150 150 Way to Grow

Day 9 – 9 children9 out of 10 Way to Grow children entering kindergarten were up-to-date on recommended immunizations during 2013. Our commitment to health and wellness extends from prenatal checkups and new parent support groups to Cooking Matters and our Dream Tracks teen parenting program. With key community partnerships and connections to valuable resources, we help lay the foundation for a healthy home.

We hope you’ll consider a making a gift to Way to Grow a part of your holiday giving. Your tax-deductible gift will continue to fund our Great by Eight initiative, which provides outcome-based, holistic, year-round, language-to-language, early education programming to the families and children we serve.

To make a contribution, please click here or phone Melissa Meyer at (612) 874-4740.  To learn more about our programs, please explore our website.

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 8

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 8 150 150 Way to Grow

Day 8 – Great by Eight. Our Great by Eight program expanded our successful and statistically proven home-visiting model to include children from kindergarten (age 6) through 3rd grade (age 8). Building on the strong foundation of knowledge families receive in our early learning program and through intentional collaboration with all 34 elementary schools in the Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) district plus 6 Minneapolis public charter schools, Way to Grow teaches parents the core standards their children need to graduate from high school, and be college and career ready. Since the expansion, Way to Grow’s elementary students have made great strides in reaching grade level literacy benchmarks. During the 2012-2013 school year, 71% of kindergarten thru 2nd grade students were reading at or above grade level.

Way to Grow wants to make our schools stronger. To support our efforts with a year-end contribution, please click here or phone Melissa Meyer at (612) 874-4740.  To learn more about our programs, please explore our website.

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 7

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 7 150 150 Way to Grow

Day 7 – 7 Different Languages – Did you know that Way to Grow’s Family Educators and Resource Advocates speak 7 different languages? This language-to-language, culture-to-culture approach is the benchmark of our Home Visiting model. It allows our educators to help parents teach the foundations of literacy in their own home. We also help our families navigate the sometimes confusing terrain of the health, education, and social services systems. We offer language support during Parent-Teacher Conferences, during our finance and cooking classes, with applications for aid, and in countless other ways throughout the year.

Year after year, we hear from our families that the support they receive from their Family Educators and Resource Advocates truly makes them feel like a part of their community.

It’s not too late to support our holistic approach to parent and child education. To contribute please click here or phone Melissa Meyer at (612) 874-4740.  To learn more about our programs, please explore our website.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, those languages are: English, Spanish, Hmong, Arabic, Amharic, Somali, and Oromo.

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 6

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 6 150 150 Way to Grow

Day 6 – 6 Volunteers – That’s how many volunteers we like to have on hand to help with our Family Game Nights. It took twenty volunteers to pull off our Early Learning Graduation and dozens help put on our Annual Gala. Volunteer groups from Target, General Mills, PricewaterhouseCoopers, BMO Harris, Little & Co., and more have given their time to help collect books and other supplies, assemble learning kits, and more.

This holiday season, we’re so thankful for the generous support of our volunteers. We love having their help and we love seeing their bright faces engaging with our Way to Grow families. To view some of our amazing volunteers in action, check out this photo gallery on Facebook.

To learn how you can get involved, please visit out volunteer page.

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 5

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 5 150 150 Way to Grow

Day 5 – 5 years old. The age at which most social service interventions for children begin – five years too late. Way to Grow works with kids from the time they’re born to make sure they’re healthy and have a solid education. Studies prove that if a child receives support in developing physical, cognitive, social and emotional skills before age 5, he or she is more likely to succeed late in life. But we don’t quit at age 5, either. In 2010, we extended our program to serve children up to age 8, targeting critical third grade benchmarks. Way to Grow’s K-3 participants receive routine home visits designed to aid the child’s development while helping parents learn methods to support their education.

To make a financial contribution during our 12 Days of Growing campaign, please click here or phone Melissa Meyer at (612) 874-4740.  To learn more about our programs, please explore our website.

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 4

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 4 150 150 Way to Grow

4 – 4-Stars Shining. Way to Grow’s Preschool Pals is a 4-Star Parent Aware rated preschool, meaning it meets benchmarks for the following best practices:

Exemplifies a truly engaged school readiness partner for parents
Ongoing assessment of child’s progress
Continually adapts lesson plans and goals to meet individual needs
Regularly updates parents on child’s progress
Trained on children’s developmental disabilities
Communicates across cultures
Receives and documents on-going childhood-related education

We hope you’ll consider a making a gift to Way to Grow a part of your holiday giving. Your tax-deductible gift will continue to fund our Great by Eight initiative, which provides outcome-based, holistic, year-round, language-to-language, early education programming to the families and children we serve.

To make a contribution, please click here or phone Melissa Meyer at (612) 874-4740.  To learn more about our programs, please explore our website.

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 3

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 3 150 150 Way to Grow

3. – Three-year-old Abi was only speaking in grunts and made-up words and would throw violent tantrums when his mom couldn’t understand him. Way to Grow worked with Abi to get him enrolled in early childhood special education classes and with Marina on her parenting skills. In less than six months, Abi spoke in full sentences and could identify all letters in the alphabet. He no longer throws tantrums, the family has childcare options, and Marina attends classes allowing her to plan for the future.

During our 12 Days of Growing, we’ll share with you 12 examples of how together we have impacted families and children in our community. From home visits to health education, from Preschool Pals to parent support groups, Way to Grow provides an array of services aimed at accomplishing our mission of ensuring all children in Minneapolis have an equal opportunity to succeed.

We hope you’ll consider a making a gift to Way to Grow a part of your holiday giving. Your tax-deductible gift will continue to fund our Great by Eight initiative, which provides outcome-based, holistic, year-round, language-to-language, early education programming to the families and children we serve.

To make a contribution, please click here or phone Melissa Meyer at (612) 874-4740.  To learn more about our programs, please explore our website.

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 2

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 2 150 150 Way to Grow

2.Over 2,000 parents and children received high-quality home visits focused on early childhood education this year. Way to Grow’s Family Educators and Resource Advocates engage parents with their children’s education—showing them how to teach through everyday interaction and play.

During our 12 Days of Growing, we’ll share with you 12 examples of how together we have impacted families and children in our community. From home visits to health education, from Preschool Pals to parent support groups, Way to Grow provides an array of services aimed at accomplishing our mission of ensuring all children in Minneapolis have an equal opportunity to succeed.

We hope you’ll consider a making a gift to Way to Grow a part of your holiday giving. Your tax-deductible gift will continue to fund our Great by Eight initiative, which provides outcome-based, holistic, year-round, language-to-language, early education programming to the families and children we serve.

To make a contribution, please click here or phone Melissa Meyer at (612) 874-4740.  To learn more about our programs, please explore our website.

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 1

Twelve Days of Growing: Day 1 150 150 Way to Grow

1. – One person giving. You. We just need you and your generous spirit to give whatever you can to honor our 11,000 home visits in 2013 and to help us get even more kids ready for school and a healthy life in 2014.

Today marks the beginning of our 12 Days of Growing countdown. During our 12 Days of Growing, we’ll share with you 12 examples of how together we have impacted families and children in our community. From home visits to health education, from Preschool Pals to parent support groups, Way to Grow provides an array of services aimed at accomplishing our mission of ensuring all children in Minneapolis have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Twelve Days of Growing

Twelve Days of Growing 150 150 Way to Grow

As the year winds down, we are so grateful for the generous contributions we’ve received from individuals, foundations, businesses, and civic leaders in our community. Research continues to show that investments in early learning programs that put parent education at the forefront yield some of the highest dividends to our society.

During our 12 Days of Growing, we’ll share with you 12 examples of how together we have impacted families and children in our community. From home visits to health education, from Preschool Pals to parent support groups, Way to Grow provides an array of services aimed at our mission of ensuring all children in Minneapolis have an equal opportunity to succeed.

We hope you’ll consider a making a gift to Way to Grow a part of your holiday giving. Your tax-deductible gift will continue to fund our Great by Eight initiative, which provides outcome-based, holistic, year-round, language-to-language, early education programming to the families and children we serve.

To make a contribution, please click here or phone Melissa Meyer at (612) 874-4740.  To learn more about our programs, please explore our website.

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