4 – 4-Stars Shining. Way to Grow’s Preschool Pals is a 4-Star Parent Aware rated preschool, meaning it meets benchmarks for the following best practices:
Exemplifies a truly engaged school readiness partner for parents
Ongoing assessment of child’s progress
Continually adapts lesson plans and goals to meet individual needs
Regularly updates parents on child’s progress
Trained on children’s developmental disabilities
Communicates across cultures
Receives and documents on-going childhood-related education
We hope you’ll consider a making a gift to Way to Grow a part of your holiday giving. Your tax-deductible gift will continue to fund our Great by Eight initiative, which provides outcome-based, holistic, year-round, language-to-language, early education programming to the families and children we serve.
To make a contribution, please click here or phone Melissa Meyer at (612) 874-4740. To learn more about our programs, please explore our website.