As snowy days of March give way to the promise of spring, it may be a good time to review your estate plans to ensure everything is in order as you intend. Changes to our personal and family circumstances may mean that prior plans are no longer current and need to be updated. On average, Americans review their will, trust or other estate documents every 7 years as loved ones pass away, new additions join the family, and as we experience life changes.
Why have a will? A will helps you provide gifts for loved ones after your life. It helps ensure that your wishes will be honored and family and friends will receive the money or property you intend for them. Whether you have a lot or a little to share, every person has the right to direct how their nest egg is used after their life. (Without a will, your property is distributed according to a “one size fits all” state formula that may not reflect your circumstances.)
You can also leave a gift in your will for charities you hold dear to support their work in the future, like Way to Grow. Simply state a percentage of the estate or a dollar amount for Way to Grow to receive as your legacy gift. We hope you’ll keep us in mind! Estate gifts help ensure that children are born healthy, stay healthy and are prepared for school. What could be a more meaningful legacy than brighter futures for all children in our community? Donors of estate gifts are eligible for membership in Way to Grow’s new Shine Legacy Society.
Your call is encouraged at (612) 767-0425 for more information and a free brochure, “Planning for the Future.”