As Thanksgiving approaches, please know that gratitude abounds at Way to Grow for all of the gifts we receive to support our intensive home visiting work with children and families. Our hearts are moved by the generosity we see in action each day, knowing we could not have a deep impact without the many donors who fuel our work by sharing their blessings at all levels.
This is the most common time of year for people to consider their charitable giving for the year. It is a time to reflect on our values, which charities are truly having an impact, and what is most meaningful to each of us in improving our community and world.
As you review possibilities and put your gifts in motion, we hope Way to Grow’s innovative and highly effective early childhood education, elementary education, health education and teen parenting programs are top of mind. This year, 98% of Way to Grow children tested ready for kindergarten, as our dedicated staff developed new interventions and refreshed curriculum for parents. This is only possible through donations from those who believe, like Way to Grow does, that every child should have an opportunity to succeed in school and in life.
Your gift can help parents stabilize their homes for their families, and help children learn to read and pursue their dreams, strengthened by literacy and the confidence this brings. What could be more beautiful than a happy, healthy child on the pathway to success? We’ve served over 600 families this year, representing over 1,000 happy, healthy children!
Way to Grow will be grateful for your renewed or increased support in 2022! Here’s how:
Go online: With a few keystrokes, you can set in motion an automatic monthly gift or make a one-time gift here.
Mail a check: We love checks! Simply send your gift to Way to Grow, 201 Irving Avenue North, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55405. Your envelope should bear a 2022 postmark.
Shares of stock: If you own stock that’s grown in value – and that you’ve held for a year or longer – it may be tax-wise to transfer the shares to Way to Grow (rather than selling them). Here’s why. First, you’ll avoid paying capital gains tax on the shares’ growth, and Way to Grow will receive 100% of the proceeds tax-free as a charity. Plus, you’ll enjoy a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the shares (rather than the basis you paid for them). Third, these gifts don’t drain your checkbook. For details, call us at (612) 874-4740.
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA: If you are age 70-1/2 or older, you can send a gift to Way to Grow directly from your IRA. This bypasses your federal tax return, so it is not counted as income, nor deducted as a gift, and if you are 72, it can fulfill your Required Minimum Distribution. Even better, you are using pre-tax dollars to make a gift, so the gift costs you less. Individuals can give up to $100,000 each year to qualified charities through this method, putting already saved up dollars into action now to serve neighbors in need. Way to Grow would be delighted to receive your IRA gift! For assistance, check with your tax advisor or call us at (612) 874-4740.
Sincere thanks to you! Way to Grow wishes you and yours a healthy and happy holiday season!